Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Home Guard. Objective campers.

In my games v Orks I have been using 1 Crusader squad - 10 I; 8 bp&cs, 1 LC, 1 Flamer, as the unit to camp on my objective. It is vital to have one TROOP choice to claim the objective. I arm them for melee so that when the foe arrives, instead of rapid firing at them I can give them a dose of bp and then 3 attacks and this way they lose out on +1 A and Furious Charge. I give them a flamer as if a really nasty mob attacks me it is a case of all or nothing and I want to decimate them ASAP. Bolters wont damage what the LC is aimed at.

Because they are waiting for the enemy to arrive I figure I'll give them a Heavy Weapon. Marines kill men so I choose an anti-tank gun. I prefer LC or MM over ML - I feel it is not dedicated enough.... I go LC to poke at the foe from T1, which is an asset for a CC Army.

I play against Orks and this colours my view. geek.gif

The Home Guard squad camps on my objective - someone has to do. I might as well give them a HW so they can contribute something to the attack. What do I need them to do? Marines kill men and not tanks. Okay so anti-tank it is. ML, MM or LC?
ML: not good enough, will struggle versus Mega Nobz etc. Can't pen LR. For 5 pts more I can buy an LC. down.gif
MM: excellent weapon, arguably the best AT gun a Marine can field. The problem is the unit is a distance from the action. down.gif
LC: the MMs competitor, not quite as good but the range changes the contest dramatically. Can kill any infantry, armour saves will falter. devil.gif

Bolters will never shoot at what the LC is gunning for and vice versa.

Scenario: Warboss + Retinue in Battle Wagon 30" away. T1. I might pop the BW - excellent, crisis averted OR I miss/ he gets first move.
T2. I might pop the BW - hurray, but the WB+R have travelled 12 + 2.99" & 6 + 3.5" (24.5") OR the BW has now travelled 24".

Either way I am assaultable on T3. Bolters give me 2 shots per man OR Boltpistols give me 1 shot, +1 A for cc and I get +1 for charging. 2 s4 attacks or 4 s4 attacks. Also in being able to charge the Orks have lost 1 a, didn't get to shoot and loose FC bonus.
Not taking Bolters helps my men live longer.

Why do I take a Flamer and not a Plasma Gun? PG will not do anything to the BW. The RFing ability will also stop me charging. down.gif
I could take a Melta gun. By the time it gets in range it is too late to try to stop the BW - it's cargo have arrived, though an exploding BW is always good for killing Orks.... The Mg will probably kill one Nob. The Flamer will probably kill one Nob - but it could kill a lot more....

Also it could be that Stormboyz or a Weirdboy-lead Mob has DS near me. That is where the Flamer is btter than the Mg.

So that is why the HG are decked out like they are.... smile.gif
* As an aside I think I will take 2 Crusader squads - (5 I, 3 bp&cs, 1 LC, 1 Flamer) x2. For 21 more points I get another LC and Flamer. I think this is pretty good for Templars. Almost like a Devastator/TROOP squad msn-wink.gif 

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